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Holly Jolly

Christmas Themed Stickers

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A personal project to illustrate and design Christmas themed stickers for aesthetic purposes and to grab the attention of a festively motivated audience. 

Activities Performed


Thumbnail Sketches

Sticker Illustrations


Sticker Sheet Layout



Sole Graphic Designer



Jul 2022 - Sep 2022


It was a personal task of mine to illustrate and produce sticker designs for the theme of Christmas. At first, my process started out with research into different things and ideas associated with this holiday. Then, there was some experimenting done on Adobe Illustrator to see which effects might've been useful for which kinds of sticker ideas. The thumbnail sketches were trial and error, but with the help of my research, it became clearer as to which sticker designs would be best suited for this project. There were six different designs chosen: Santa's hat, candy canes, a gift box, a wreath, a bell, and stockings. Once the sketches were revised to a visually appealing point, it was time to move on to Adobe Illustrator and make them into digital drafts. They were given a color palette of red, green, white, and yellow for the festive mood of Christmas, plus some black was allowed for the outlining of the shapes. Also included was some shading in the different colors to have the stickers appear more recognizable and visually appealing. And after a steady pace of illustration, for the most part, the digital drafts for the stickers came to resemble the thumbnail sketches. But, there were some relatively small details in their designs that required more attention and more time to fix. In conjunction with tweaking the stickers, it was also my endeavor to make a sheet for them to be delivered to their audience through. It was given a simple layout with a typeface that could connect with the mood of the holiday theme, to contrast with the illustrated content. Once the designs of the six stickers were complete and their strokes were converted to paths, it was time to place them onto the sheet to make them presentable. Not to mention, demonstrating the stickers in use. Ultimately, these stickers convey a visually appealing and jolly mood that is greatly associated with Christmas and its festive nature, today. 

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